VELOSHOTS:  Volume 5

This week's riding was the most consistent of the year.  I managed to commute every day, threw in 3 additional morning rides, a weekend ride and managed an additional evening jaunt to the Griffith Observatory one night after work (with Colton).  

I met up with friends on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for ride up to the Griffith Park helipad.  The boys know a sneaky route up through the Los Feliz hills that leads to an old beat-up road heading to the helipad and beyond.  The surface isn't great but it feels like you're climbing out of a desert, yet, within the heart of the city.  The views are worth the grind and on both days the company made it loads of fun.  The descent down to the valley side of the park is always a good time no matter how much you suffer on the way up.

Friday was good for the weekly coffee ride which included a visit to SWork Coffee in Eagle Rock, and Saturday was a race against the rain.  We met up in Larchmont and made tracks for the west side.  A largely flat ride, we knew we'd be able to cover a fair number of miles in limited time.  The forecast called for an 80% chance of precipitation by 11:am so our hours were limited.  Along the way we encountered a bit of heavy misting, but avoided and proper deluge.  Mission accomplished, including a side trip to the Santa Monica pier.