NOUN a member of the middle class, as in, a person whose political, economic, and social opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability
ORIGIN Middle French, 1555-65: from Latin, ‘wheat.’
the cruise directors
coming to terms with what we've become.
It happens when you're not looking. One day you're touring the country in a van in indie rock obscurity, or you're hustling as a PA in a 3rd tier market managing sewage clean-up for a reality TV show. Before you know it you've forged a career, moved across the country and discovered a paradise of creativity, fine cuisine and some epic cycling.
The Bouge Cruise documents the things we find on our journey together. We're just two east coast ex-pats exploring southern California and beyond. We're Addie and Andy and we'll keep you posted as we find our way.
bougie |bo͞oʹzhē|
ADJECTIVE aspiring to a higher class than one is to the point of snobbery, used in relation to the conspicuous consumption of the urban upper-middle class
ORIGIN early 21st century American slang
- breakfast
- hikes
- farmers' markets
- world travels
- the man
- aggressive drivers
- late nights
- societal expectations
Points of Disagreement
- stinky cheese
- peanut butter
- benefits of stretching
- sports on tv
Memorial Day Weekend, 2018