somethings + nothings: September 5, 2016

And thus, summer was gone in the blink of eye, lost forever between intercontinental travel, new jobs, and most recently a small family reunion in Los Angeles to celebrate my Dad's milestone 70th birthday.  There has been much baking and eating of fried foods.  But the first pumpkin showed up last night in our bi-weekly CSA box and this, plus the September back-to-school-ness that lingers so long after the school years have ended, heralds the symbolic beginning of autumn.  Symbolic because here in Los Angeles the seasonal transitions sometimes happen in name only, or in the culinary shifts from strawberries to apples and renewed focus on projects over leisure.  Like the project of home ownership that is quickly coming to dominate our lives.  More on that on another day.

Amy Schumer's book came out recently and I'm tiding myself over with interviews while I wait for my turn at the library

the theory of the introvert hangover explains every minute of my entire life

I wondered how the Brexit might effect the gloriously global food scene in London, both in terms of cuisines on offer and in terms of the heavy reliance on foreign service workers

speaking of London, the next time I get there I vow to finally get to the theater

we've already implemented Friday morning restaurant work sessions, so I might have to put wine lunches on the list as well

on why reading - or in my case, scrolling through Instagram - in a moving vehicle makes your brain think it's dying

this article found me three months too late, but there is still time for you to eat all the ice cream in Japan

the long strange history of ice cream, including its origins in Philadelphia, where all my favorite things come from

Wired on why college is not job training

and another on the error in confusing your job with the meaning of life

while on the topic of jobs, a reminder that experience can be your worst hiring enemy

the Washington Post on how terrifying it would be to be 13 in the age of social media, and how terrifying those sociopathic robot children are turning out to be #ImOld

30 delightful minutes on breakfast with Deb Perelman

Vulture gives us 45 books to read this fall

and HuffPo gives us 20 more

I installed Boomerang in my GMail last week and my life was forever changed

and last but not least, NPR explodes one of the fundamentals of my 80s childhood