Somethings + Nothings: October 24, 2016
Temperatures rose above the 90s again last week in Los Angeles, dampening Andy's sprint to reach his cycling mileage goals this year (around bike-less holiday travel weeks) and putting some extra pressure on my own fitness regimen: I've started seeing a personal trainer, an undertaking of such bourgeois magnitudes that I'm almost embarrassed to admit it. Except it's not only fun, but I'm already seeing more fitness gains in three short weeks than I've seen in ten years of my own fitness pursuits. Spending the time and money on my own health is taking the edge off an otherwise grueling career phase - it turns out if one takes on two or more jobs, you have at least double the opportunity for work disaster on any given day. Slugging through hour-long body building sessions in oppressive heat is an excellent method for distraction.
six things to know before you start house hunting - unfortunately #1 is discouraged in LA
good news or bad news: it's cheaper to buy than to rent in Los Angeles
kitchen goals: Julia's Child's La Pitchoune
speaking of France goals, how about harvesting champagne grapes as the next vacation?
buzzfeed's 25 moneysaving home investments - I have and love the wool dryer balls
homemade ravioli is on my to-do list, perhaps this coming week when in-laws are visiting
an excellent piece explaining what exactly house wine is, and reminding me that Edendale's rosé and french fry happy hour is a steal
continued discussions on the varying perceptions of men and women or "resting bitch face and the Presidential election"
a NYTimes first-person piece on the experience of women and minorities in Hollywood - an issue close to both my heart and my own day-to-day experience in the workplace
further to this, John Leguizamo on being told he'd be more successful if he wasn't Latin
plans! making plans is fun but having and showing up for plans is the worst. am i right!?
a fascinating essay on the new American phenomenon of not wanting to have sons
love letters to Michelle Obama
get thee to Brooklyn, sit at the counter, and order the blueberry cake donut