somethings + nothings: 06.01.2017

How is everyone's four-day work-week progressing?  I've found Tuesdays and Thursdays to be the bumpiest days of the week; on Tuesday all my Monday optimism has burned off but the full week is still ahead and on Thursdays I'm at maximum tired and frustrated without the Friday rest even in sight.  We spent our long weekend eating our way up and down the Jersey Shore with Andy's parents and training into Manhattan for a visit with old friends (and new babies), including a leisurely walk through Central Park and oysters and Italian food in the Village.  New York - I love to visit, but I hate to live there.  We're back home in Los Angeles now, but our hearts and thoughts are still with extended family back East, who suffered the kind of earth-shattering tragedy this week that shapes the course of lives and forces everyone to hug each other a little closer.  If you'd like to contribute to the support fund for the wife and young children of a fallen officer, please click here.

If you're thinking of coming to visit this summer, here is a list of 54 things we might do.

A lesson on why living in the moment is nearly impossible.  Curse you, brain!

A lovely piece on how horses and the children of Compton, CA bring each other peace and joy.

Did you know LA is a hotbed of vintage bookstores?  Look out, wallet, here we go!

Best working conditions for introverts - you'll find me hiding in my home office with my phone turned off.

Cool new restaurants all over LA, including in my neighborhood - even the Times knows about us now!

The life and death of the weekend - the rest period at the end of your work week, not the singer.

Americans love to smile!  We might be the only ones.

This happens to me even when I'm the person who has handed the cashier the money - the change goes straight back to Andy.  On checks always going to the dude.

A link to a lovely two-page Joan Didion essay on Los Angeles, in case you have 10 minutes and want to read some great writing.