somethings + nothings: May 26, 2016
lovely peony necklace from my love and lovely peony flower from trader joe's

lovely peony necklace from my love and lovely peony flower from trader joe's

Happy Thursday!  Does anyone else experience Thursday as a strange, anxiety-filled last-ditch effort to be as productive as humanly possible before the weekend begins?  Which is often with a whimper of a lazy Friday morning mood, rather than the bang of a Friday evening?  We are doing some last minute planning for our upcoming trip to Japan, meeting an old friend for poolside drinks this evening, and daydreaming sunshine-y ways to spend the upcoming three day weekend, whilst trying to clear the work decks so we can concentrate fully on these tasks. 

For your afternoon reading.

in desperate pursuit of the zero-stress job.

one thing i would make if i could ever get my hands on some rhubarb.

scientific justification for my podcast habit.

business and personal acumen from the women behind Well+Good.

in case you've got hiking on your summer agenda like us.

this may be from September, but we're in dire need of political humor.

-- Addie