somethings + nothings: June 5, 2016

We lost a day and spent 24 hours awake, but we finally made it from LA to Tokyo and all things considered, not much worse for the wear.  We find ourselves awake this Sunday at 5 AM local time listening to the summer rain and the train and enjoying tea in the white light streaming in through the big windows of our rented loft.  Andy sprung himself outward to find milk for his Earl Grey and I'm posting this quick hello with your Sunday afternoon distractions.

Glad I checked this tipping guide before offending anyone in Japan.

Anyone else slightly terrified of this secret Los Angeles parking law?

Omid Safi on the Disease of Being Busy, for which I suspect being lost in a country where one can't read or speak the language may be a helpful cure.

London through the lenses of 100 of its homeless citizens.

Because we were so excited to eat the delicious pork cubes in our ramen last night.