Somethings +  Nothings: October 28, 2016

The Williams family is coming from New Jersey to visit us in Southern California this week and other than stuffing them full of dinner on Friday night after their arrival and a hopefully good night sleep in a hotel, we'll be loading them into a car and shuttling them five hours North to spend Halloween weekend in a cabin in Big Sur.  It's partly to show them the beauty of coastal California, and partly an excuse for me to sneak away to my favorite place for 48 hours.  We will definitely be stopping for a tour at the Hearst Castle (something I've never done), maybe sneaking in a bite at Nepenthe, and possibly indulging ourselves in caffeine and pastry at one of the two SLO branches of Scout Coffee.  Hope everyone is having a good Halloween weekend, near and far.

The funfetti generation!  There's nothing not to love about this.

No, but seriously, be quiet - humans are the worst office distractions ever.

This tiny blond lady runs the US pumpkin kingdom.

The Working Pair, continuously giving me #relationshipgoals - on NYC's Egg Shop owners.

Cold times on a boat!  From Montreal to Minnesota by way of in-land sea.

Get it together, American dudes.  Thankfully I was not afflicted with this type of father.

More things to eat in Tokyo.

26 shapes to defend our liberty and define our hope - advice to young writers.

Bon Appetit's 23 coolest restaurant trends of 2016, which is creeping to a close.

London Bookshops!  The greatest ever in the whole world!  Now put your phone away.