somethings + nothings: january 5, 2017
Twenty seventeen! It's practically the future, at least to the fourth grader in my heart who can barely remember to write "1992" on her homework assignments. January is always the most aspirational of all the months even though the depths of darkness and weather (where such things exist) is arguably the worst time to kick start your better faster existence. Though we don't have weather here in Los Angeles, we do have more than our fair share of aspirations for the new year. I've assembled some readings and some recipes this week to help start us off on an inspired foot.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gloria Steinem have lunch - I read a biography of Justice Ginsburg and a memoir by Ms. Steinem last year and found myself enamored with both women. I'm reading a collection of RBG's writings right now and can't get enough. #activismgoals
A millenial and a baby boom swap lives in London - It's always a matter of perspective, isn't it? Perspective and empathy. #empathygoals
Read this story without distraction (Can you)? - I started trying to monotask last year and it both changed my life and lowered my anxiety. Big recommend. #focusgoals
The freewheeling lunches of a freelance writer - Big focus on feeding myself better this year. I so easily slip into an all-coffee-before-noon pattern when left to my own devices, which only results in eating whole loaves of bread for lunch. #healthgoals
Kale & Caramel's Caramelized Pecan Pumpkin Pie with Gingersnap Crust - But in terms of eating things, I have a bag of smashed of speculoos cookies burning a hole in my fridge and I did not eat nearly enough pie this holiday season. #bakinggoals
My Mexico City is Everyone's Now - I love Mexico City. I'm hoping to drag Andy back there for a long weekend in 2017. #travelgoals
22 Instant Pot Recipes - We got one of these new-to-us devices from friends Bob and Erica for Christmas. So far we've just tested it out on some rice (it knows how to cook it itself without instruction!) but looking forward to experimenting. #cookinggoals
The friendship of Senators Feinstein and Boxer - The New York Times bids adieu to the "Thelma and Louise" of the Senate, as Senator Boxer retires and Senator Kamala Harris steps into her new office. Strong teammate inspiration, as Senators Boxer and Feinstein have a history of constructive alliances. #workgoals
Wine 101: Sherry - Whitney Adams explains why sherry is the cool thing we should be getting into this year. #drinkinggoals
A Beginner's Guide to Alternative Flours - And finally, three cheers for kitchen experiments! There's so much more to baking than "all-purpose." #playtimegoals